"Mais, saisissant la main qu’il me tendait, je le fis rouler à terre. Son rire aussitôt reparut. Il ne s’impatienta pas longtemps aux nœuds compliqués des lacets qui lui tenaient lieu de ceinture ; sortant de sa poche un petit poignard, il en trancha d’un coup l’embrouillement. Le vêtement tomba ; il rejeta au loin sa veste, et se dressa nu comme un dieu. Un instant il tendit vers le ciel ses bras grêles, puis, en riant, se laissa tomber contre moi. Son corps était peut-être brûlant, mais parut à mes mains aussi rafraîchissant que l’ombre. Que le sable était beau ! Dans la splendeur adorable du soir, de quels rayons se vêtait ma joie !… "
André Gide - 1926

If it die
"But, seizing the hand that he lended me, I made him roll on the ground. His laugh immediately reappeared. He did not get impatient for long with the complicated knots of the laces which he used in place of belt; taking out of his pocket a small dagger he cut trough the all. The garment fell; he rejected off his jacket, and drew naked as a god. One moment he shot his slender arm skyward, then laughing, dropped against me. His body was certainly burning, but appeared in my hands as refreshing as the shadows. What lovely the sand was! In the splendour of a lovely evening, my joy was bejeweled with such rays!…"*
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