dimanche 8 juin 2008


"Notre-Dame se retourna tout à coup sur le ventre, et brutalement, fit entrer avec sa main sa verge encore souple dans la bouche entrebâillée de Divine. Elle retira sa tête et pinça les lèvres. Rageur, le sexe devint de pierre (allez-y les condottieri, chevaliers, pages, ruffians, nervis, sous vos satins bandez contre la joue de Divine), voulut forcer sa bouche fermée, mais il buta dans les yeux, le nez, le menton, glissa contre la joue. C'était le jeu. Enfin, il trouva les lèvres."

Jean Genet - 1948

Our Lady of the Flowers

"Our Lady suddenly turned over on his belly and, holding his still supple tool, roughly thrust it with his hand into Divine's open mouth. She drew back her head and pursed her lips. The violent cock turned to stone (go to it, condottieri, knights, pages, ruffians, gangsters, put the stiff prick under your satins against Divine's cheek) and tried to force open the closed mouth, but it knocked against the eyes, the nose, the chin, slid along the cheek. That was their game. Finally, it found the lips"

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