Ce sont des ouvriers faubouriens ou ruraux,
Leurs quinze et leurs vingt ans sans apprêts sont mal chiches
De force assez brutale et de procédés gros.
Je les goûte en habits de travail, cotte et veste ;
Ils ne sentent pas l’ambre et fleurent de santé
Pure et simple ; leur marche un peu lourde, va preste
Pourtant, car jeune, et grave en l’élasticité ;
Leurs yeux francs et matois crépitent de malice
Cordiale et des mots naïvement rusés
Partent non sans un gai juron qui les épice
De leur bouche bien fraîche aux solides baisers ;
Leur pine vigoureuse et leurs fesses joyeuses
Réjouissent la nuit et ma queue et mon cul ;
Sous la lampe et le petit jour, leurs chairs joyeuses
Ressuscitent mon désir las, jamais vaincu.[...]"
Paul Verlaine - 1891

Mille et tre
"My loves do not belong to the rich classes:
These are workers or rural suburbans,
Their fifteen and twenty years without affectations are evil chick
Of rather brute force and rough behaviours.
I taste them in work clothes, coat and jacket;
They do not smell amber but smell health
Pure and simple, their moves a bit heavy goes swift
Nevertheless, because young and serious in elasticity;
Their eyes frank and sly crackle with cordial
Malice and words naively cunning
Are shout not without a gay oath spicing them
From their fresh mouths full of solid kisses;
Their strong dick and happy buttocks
Celebrate the night and my cock and my ass;
Under the lamp and the dawn, their happy flesh
Raised my tired desire, never defeated.[...]"*
These are workers or rural suburbans,
Their fifteen and twenty years without affectations are evil chick
Of rather brute force and rough behaviours.
I taste them in work clothes, coat and jacket;
They do not smell amber but smell health
Pure and simple, their moves a bit heavy goes swift
Nevertheless, because young and serious in elasticity;
Their eyes frank and sly crackle with cordial
Malice and words naively cunning
Are shout not without a gay oath spicing them
From their fresh mouths full of solid kisses;
Their strong dick and happy buttocks
Celebrate the night and my cock and my ass;
Under the lamp and the dawn, their happy flesh
Raised my tired desire, never defeated.[...]"*
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